Not afraid of the rain šŸŒ§

I had frequent asthma attacks growing up. They were triggered by things like dust, moisture, strong smells, fumes, drastic change in weather and being in the rain for only a few seconds. Some attacks were mild, others left me hospitalized or at home for a few days. In a bid to avoid asthma attacks, I…

Love your body

For me, thereā€™s nothing like exercising outdoors. To breathe in fresh air, to enjoy the calmness, possibly some scenery … Mornings work best for me and so joining Coach Ojoiā€™s bootcamp January last year was perfect. Started off as a 3month life coaches bootcamp which challenged us to exercise at least 5 days a week…

Childhood memories

My mum loved to bake and cook and she didnā€™t leave us on these. Once we were old enough to understand what was going on, we were in the kitchen with her. She had a few cook books, a treasure filled with some delightful recipes. I remember our cupcake šŸ§ baking days, always a delight…

Who is your boss

I attended a ‘Connecting Stories’ event today and the speaker Mrs. Ayeni shared a few lessons based on her life experiences. The one that stuck out to me was – God is your boss. She said she saw God as her boss all the time. It didn’t matter who her physical boss was – whether…